What can be done during heart attack?
What can be done during heart attack If you think you are having a heart attack, do the following. Sit or lie down. Call for emerge...

What can be done during heart attack
If you think you are having a heart attack, do the following.
Sit or lie down.
Call for emergency help at once.. Don't waste time calling your own doctor or a friend or family member. Fill in the correct numbers below.
Local emergency number - check to see if your area has _________________
How can you tell if someone is having a heart attack?
If the person is unconscious and breathing:
- Look at the patient's chest to see if it is rising and falling. If they are breathing, place them in the recovery position, and then call for help from the emergency services.
If the person is unconscious and not breathing:
- If they're not breathing, they are in respiratory arrest and the current advice states that in this situation, they are also likely to be in cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest is a condition where the heart has stopped beating effectively).
- It's best to treat them as if they are in cardiac arrest, rather than waste valuable time looking for a pulse. The latest guidelines suggest that lay persons should not try to find a pulse. Instead, CPR should begin immediately on anyone who is unresponsive and not breathing normally since even a delay of just a minute or two spend looking for a pulse can have a very substantial detrimental effect on the outcome.
- If the patient is not breathing, call for help immediately, stating that the casualty is not breathing. You should also provide resuscitation (see below) until the patient begins to breathe or the paramedics arrive.
If there is no breathing, the patient is in cardiac arrest.